Monday, October 19

My Brain Is Melting And It Hurts

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been busy... Really busy. Taking-over-my-fricking-life-barely-time-to-do-anything busy. And my brain hurts (which you may have got from the title). It's overheating and there's steam coming out my ears and a little smoke alarm going off in my head.

Incase you haven't noticed, yes, I've been studying. XD

I'm not going to go on about it because it's such a boring subject it's sending me to sleep writing about it. But it's been Hellish. XS

Back to school the day after tomorrow, which normally I wouldn't be looking forward to at all, but three days after I go back I'm going to my Billy Talent gig so I'm really excited and I don't mind going back all that much. :D -spazzes-

And guess what, guys! I've made a sign that says "BEN WE LOVE YOU!" and I'm going to take it... -giggles- It's a biiig bit of paper and I've written it in big chunky letters in blue highlighter and drew a huge loveheart for added effect. It's ridiculous but very cool. =D It took me a whole afternoon and by the end of it I was dizzy from the Sharpie fumes... but it'll be so worth it. We're going to get there early and I'm going to fight my way to the front so maybe he'll see me. ;)

Also, right now I'm reading Twilight The Rewrite on and I'm loving it. I highly reccomend it if you've read the book, whether you hated it like me or you loved it. It's quite well-written but it's the whole point - how the author's gotten rid of all the stupid things about the book, for example page-long descriptions of someone's eyes and vampires that sparkle (Jesus...) and don't have fangs or drink the blood of humans - that I think's great. In this version, Edward Cullen is cold and vicious the way a vampire should be, not gorgeous and sparkly, Bella doesn't have five guys fawning over her and it's written in third person to keep her safe from self-insert Mary Sue-ness. I'm hooked. Go read now!

So, guys, will be back later, until then feel free to leave comments... If it's working for you. For some reason Catriona said when she tried to leave one it didn't work for her and wouldn't let her, which would explain the lack of comments for the past four of five posts. I'm working on trying to find the problem and fix it but I can't seem to find anything wrong. Maybe it's a glitch...? Or maybe I'm just unpopular. XD -laughs- Anyway, if you read the post, check the comments and if it works for you please leave one so I know it's working. If not, I'll assume it's broken for everyone rather than just Cat.


- Lizzie x

^ (Oh, and I just kind of thought that was funny...)

Friday, October 9


Yay! It's the October holiday! =D

This makes me very happy in case you haven't noticed. Holidays mean lie-ins, falling asleep in the middle of the day, drinking hot chocolate, hanging out at the park with friends doing nothing, sleepovers, watching movies in my PJs... I can't wait. I've been waiting for this for weeks, I seriously need one of these. Of course, it also means studying, but I'm in denial about that bit.

My friends are away at a concert tonight and I'm supposed to be joining them, but at the last moment my dad decided - as he was ordering the ticket for me - that he didn't want me to go. Because, apparently, the support band were "scary". I've been to see this band before - not the support band, the band I would have been going for - and they're great live (I'm tempted to regale you with the tale of the "four seconds of eye contact" but I won't bore you... right now) but when I went to see them they didn't do their new album and they would have been doing their new album this time, so I'm pretty disappointed. :( I've texted them telling them to have twice as much fun for me (and to get me an photo if they meet the band, haha!).

Still, I'm kind of mad that I wasn't allowed to go. I can handle it, it's not exactly hard. And trust me, at the last gig the three support bands were pretty fricking scary and I didn't die. In fact, no one seemed to like them much, where we were most of the people were just standing about and looking a bit bored. There was a mosh pit in the middle of the hall but people will mosh to anything. -eyeroll-

But enough about the negative. :]

Tomorrow night is my gospel concert! I go to gospel choir at Centrestage with some friends (for the record, it's the singing and the performing I go for rather than the religious aspect ^^) and we're performing tomorrow night. Hopefully, anyway - it all depends on whether or not my parents are going to see this concert they've got tickets for that's tomorrow night too. I've been telling them to go but there's the whole issue about getting a sitter for my sister (they don't trust me... hmph) and how I'll get there and back and everything, plus the fact Cat's still sick. I really want to go but I've told them their concert comes first - Jonathon Richman only comes every five years, Centrestage does a concert every couple of months. It wouldn't be fair if they couldn't go, they'll enjoy their gig more and the tickets cost £40 or something. Also, I've started watching a new anime! It's called Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni which literally translates to "When Cicadas Cry". It's scary and very... intense. Lots of blood... lots of blood. But at the same time it keeps you guessing and there's a real depth to the plot which can be confusing but really adds suspense and intelligence. The characters are adorable, with a rainbow of hair colours and eyes the size of frisbees, which only adds to the total shock when they start mercilessly slaughtering each other with machetes and baseball bats. Sorry if I've put you off anime for the rest of your life. I spent most of the first six episodes laughing but there were a few moments that freaked me out. I'm excited to see what comes next. =D

<- Rika Furude, my favourite character. Such misleading cuteness.

Finally - I'll leave in a second, don't worry - a shout-out to my newest follower, Quintessajazz. Thanks for following my blog! Hope you enjoy it. =)

Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

-Lizzie x

Tuesday, October 6

What I'm Reading Right Now

I know, I'm reading way too much. But I can't only read one book at a time, when there's lots of other books just sitting there wanting to be picked up and read too... I'll start from the top.

Stardust: I bought this book on Saturday when I was in Glasgow. I haven't gotten too far into it yet but it's amazing so far. I saw the film when it came out and I loved it, and had no idea it was a book so when I saw this I was really excited. :D I love love love the way Neil Gaiman writes. It's simple but really poetic. I reccomend this to anyone.

Storm Front: My friend lent me this on Friday but because of all the other books I'm reading I haven't had time to read this one much. It's good so far, but I don't have much to say about it yet. =)

Tale Of The Body Thief: It's Anne Rice, what can you expect? I've almost finished this and let me just say I love this book. I love Lestat De Lioncourt, I love his twisted sense of humour, I love his silly little habits, I love the way he likes to constantly remind us that he's wearing his favourite purple-tinted sunglasses. I love Mojo, the dog. And I love the way Anne Rice writes. I've heard a lot of people say before that they don't like her because she's too descriptive and takes too long to describe little things, but I don't think this is a fault; overdescription is awful, but not if you do it as perfectly and as expertly as she does it so it's not overdescription any more - you don't feel she's overdoing it, because it's done so brilliantly. Lestat is my favourite fictional character, anyway - he's hilarious without always meaning to be, and although he can be bratty and superficial it makes you love him even more. He can be lovely, kind and sensitive or spoiled, self-obsessed and cruel depending on who's eyes you see him through. I love this book to bits. I will definitely read this again.

Cujo: Freaking scary. This book is great - not Stephen King's best, that's Carrie or The Shining for me - but I don't advise reading this at night. This book is about a gentle Saint Bernard, Cujo, who's the best friend of Brett Camber. While chasing a rabbit, Cujo ends up getting his head stuck down a rabbit hole which is inhabited by rabid bats. He's bitten by one of them and becomes infected, which leads to big, cuddly Cujo becoming big, scary, let's-go-murder-everyone-in-the-town-in-classic-Stephen-King-fashion Cujo. It's never actually given away outright so it might not be intended, but there's always the hidden undertone that Cujo could be posessed by a spirit haunting the family... either that, or he could just be crazy and very, very angry because he's, y'know, got rabies. This is a great book, but I recommend you don't read this if you're easily scared.

Misery: Yep, Stephen King again. :) This book is one of his best books in my opinion - it's a psychological horror which means there's no monsters stomping on buildings and eating people; instead, it gets into your head, which is much scarier. It follows a famous author, Paul Sheldon, who crashes his car in a snowstorm on a deserted road. He's "rescued" shortly after by Annie, who claims to be his "biggest fan" but is, let's face it, completely insane. When she reads his newest book - this is when Paul is still under her care and trapped helplessly in her home with no means of escape - and discovers he killed off the protagonist, she doesn't like it. At all. And Paul has to bring her back from the dead, or else. A lot of unpleasant stuff follows including the removal of various body parts by means of a chainsaw and a, uh, blowtorch. I won't give anything away, in case you ever decide to read it. Again, the same applies for this as applied for Cujo - if you're easily scared, stay away.

I'll put up another post with a few more things I need to say. Leave a comment if you like! It seems pointless but I thought I'd share this with you.

Until next time...

- Lizzie x

Monday, October 5

Five Random Things About Me

So I saw some people doing this and thought it looked fun. My turn! :D

1: I have a Beeblebear - which is basically a big bear-like thing, only it has two heads, three arms and an eyepatch. And yes, he's real, and no, I didn't make him myself to freak people out. He's called Arnie. I'll post a picture of him soon once I've found my camera.

2: I can't read a book if it's got the movie cover. I'd rather pay twice as much for the same book with the original cover which is weird, because what's inside is exactly the same. :S

3: I have over 20 scarves.

4: I'm a total freak when it comes to grammar... in case you haven't noticed.

5: I'm tiny. I'm the smallest person in my year; I'm barely above 5 feet. I'm proud of it, though. ;D If you call me "short" and intend it to be an insult I'll retort with, "I'm not short, I'm fun-sized!"

If you read this, how's about you post 5 facts about yourself? :)

Thanks, Cat... =S

I'm sick too, now. Whoopdee-flippin'-doo.

I'm pretty sure I caught it off Catriona yesterday. I've been tired all day - really tired, not just falling-asleep-in-French-because-I-was-up-all-night-reading tired - had a headache and just felt crap overall.

Everything has it's good side though, I guess - I've spent most of my day sleeping and watching FullMetal Alchemist. :D And I feel a bit better now so I'm going to drag myself into school tomorrow regardless of whether or not I'm dying, because I abandoned my friend in Chemistry today and she was lonely, and it's not fair on her if I don't turn up again tomorrow.

Thank you, lovely sister, for sharing this. After all, it's always good to share... everything.

Lizzie x

Sunday, October 4

Purty Rainbows. =3

I changed the blog! The old layout was sort of tacky, in my opinion, so I picked a new one. Could have something to do with my rainbow phase. I'm going through a rainbow phase right now; the more colours and the more cheery, the better. XD

So, what does everyone think? Please be honest and leave a comment with your critique, I'd really appreciate it. ;)

So today was Sunday - my study day. Saturdays and Fridays are my days off, Sunday I get together with my friends and we study together for a few hours. Our study methods are... unconventional. We hit the books for a few hours then me and one of my friends walked to Tesco and we bought Ben & Jerry's ice cream and I helped her choose her outfit for work experience, which she and 99% of my other friends all have for ALL of next week (mine's in January). =( When we got back to the house we sat together on the floor, all of us, and passed the ice cream around and asked each other study questions, and if you got one right you stuffed as much ice cream into your face as you could. We all felt sick by the end, but hey - it's a sign we're learning! ;)

I'm not looking forward to next week much. Like I said, all my friends are away on work experience and my one (so-called) friend has decided he's not going to bother coming this week. Thanks. Thankfully though I have one person who's not going away and I've asked if I can hang out with her, and she's really nice so I guess it won't be too bad. And this is the last week before the October holiday! Yay! =D

Leave a comment if you like (and if the Countdown Clock thing is going spazzy, I don't know how to fix it, sorry. :S).

Lizzie x

Saturday, October 3

I really am.

I'm sorry I've abandoned you guys for almost a month. I feel so bad!

To tell the truth, I was a total idiot and actually forgot my password. And then yesterday I found it on my desk on a bit of paper and realised I had been a total idiot because it had been there the entire time. I'm stupid. I'm also sorry, hence the kitten. Please forgive me.

So, let's see... What's happened in the past 26 days? Well, for one thing, it was my birthday. I'm fifteen now (my height would say otherwise). Yay!

School has sucked. My prelim exams are in seven weeks and I'm freaking out. For those of you who don't know (I'm pretty sure you only get prelims in Scotland, they've got another name in England and I don't know what it is, and I have absolutely no idea about the rest of the world), your prelim exams are exams you get in 4th year (the American equivalent of your first year in High School, I think, maybe...) at Christmas. They're the exams you get before you get your Standard Grades, which are the exams you get before your Highers, which are your biggest exams you're going to get before College. The results you get for your Prelims and Standard Grades are important because they determine what Highers you're going to be allowed to take. I'm probably going to take English, Biology, Maths, Geography and Art, so I need to get good grades in those especially. So, anyway, I've been studying for the past month for 2 hours each night, apart from Fridays and Saturdays. I also ended up spending over £80 on books and Past Papers. D= I just hope they actually help and I do well, because if I don't I'm going to feel compelled to get a job and pay my parents back all the money for the books because I'll feel it's all gone to waste.

On the plus side, however, I'm going to a concert! ;) On October 23rd I'm going to see Billy Talent (a band, by the way, not a person), and I can't wait. Every day at school my friends will say, "How many days now, Lizzie?" and I'll hit the roof and scream the number so loud the windows of the houses down the street shatter. I'm so excited! X3 I almost went to see Hey Monday, but the tickets sold out and I didn't get a chance to get one, and I could have gone to see Fightstar but it was on a Sunday night and was 2 days after Billy Talent so I wasn't allowed. But I really don't mind. Come on, Billy Talent! =D

In other news, I managed to salvage my lovely FullMetal Alchemist DVDs from their bin bag at the back of my mum's office (in other words, the shed, but she calls it her office). A few months ago - and I have absolutely NO idea what posessed me to do this - I bundled up all my anime and shoved it into a bin bag save for my Miyazaki movies, Death Note, Wolf's Rain and Black Cat, and announced I was going to sell them all. My parents know me better than I know me though, because they didn't let me and kept them in the shed. I don't want most of them back (I've grown out of Naruto and InuYasha to be honest) but I missed FMA. A lot. I missed drawing Transmutation Circles on the garden path in chalk in painstaking detail then standing in the middle and clapping my hands expecting something to happen. I missed reciting all the elements in the human body to my dad and laughing when he didn't let on that I was quoting Edward Elric (he actually thought I knew it). I missed having all the opening and closing themes on my iPod and being able to sing them all in Japanese. I missed having a collection of creative insults to throw at people when they called my short. And I really missed flipping out and squeaking like a fan girl every time someone mentioned the name Vic. So I've got them all back, and I'm going to keep collecting them until I have them all. I just love them too much, I can't stay away from them! :) Oh, and in case you don't know, the picture at the top is Edward Elric. Of course. <3

I'll try to keep you posted at least a few times a week, though I don't know about every day since I have to study. Being realistic, twice a week, hopefully. :)

Lots of love,
Lizzie xxx

Monday, August 10

Too Much Popcorn And Not Enough Sleep (And Watchmen, Hooray!)

Hey everyone! =)

So last night I was at a sleepover that we had planned as a surprise for our friend. It's his birthday soon and he wasn't planning to do anything, so we took the liberty of arranging his life for him. :P I don't think he minded though, he seemed pretty happy. We'd been planning it for ages and had been keeping it a secret successfully for once (though it did involve a lot of giggling and bouncing around at the idea of keeping a secret, in my case anyway) and I was in charge of decorations. Yay! I think I might've gone slightly over-the-top though; I bought 50 balloons, a 9-foot banner and about ten million streamers. I had a blast buying it all. XD Unfortunately though I can't blow balloons up, so that fell to to my friend. I felt kind of sorry for her - she was the only one with enough puff so she took 2 hours to blow up every single one.

We were holding the party in the conservatory, so we hung gold and silver streamers from the rafters (I was a bit short for that), wound them round the lamps and table legs, stretched them across the windows and pulled them through the blinds. I did a terrible job - I was a bit hyper and threw them onto every available surface, before one of my friends went and pulled them all off and changed them when my back was turned. We ate popcorn and watched The Simpsons when we were waiting for the doorbell to ring (when it did me and my other two friends had been planning to turn out the lights and hide, when our friend would go and bring him in, then we would jump out and yell "Surprise!"), then suddenly our friend we had been planning the surprise for turns up at the conservatory entrance, waves and goes, "Uh... hi, guys."

Oh, perfect. "Surprise." we say as three hands whap into faces and we turn to our friend, who's looking slightly embarassed. He then decides to tell us he texted him earlier, telling him to let himself in, then forgot it was supposed to be a surprise.

Anyway, he brought cookie pizza, so all was forgiven. We watched tv and played music and at 3am had a sudden impulsion to turn all the lights off and dance like zombies to "Thriller". Me and my two friends (trying not to mention names here) know the dance pretty much off by heart. We rock. We freaked the guys out, though - we must make pretty convincing zombies! By the end of it we were rolling on the floor at the sight of their faces.

And we watched Watchmen! :D My Chemical Romance (my favourite band) did the soundtrack so I've been determined to see it, and I wasn't disappointed at all. I'll admit I hadn't expected it to be so... confusing... But the amazing effects, fabulous music (of course! I mean, we're talking about MCR here!) and all the cool little bits like the artsy camera angles, costumes, awesome action sequences and the obviously massive budget made up for me not entirely getting the plot the whole way through. XD And of course at the end we danced to Desolation Row and took pictures on our cameras when My Chemical Romance came up on the credit roll. ;)

We finally got to sleep at half 5 in the conservatory. The rain was very loud but it was really nice. We woke up at half 1 in the afternoon though. And there was no coffee in the house and the kettle wasn't working anyway so I was kinda grumpy. But all in all it was great fun, I had an awesome weekend!

Oh, and did I mention it was Cat's birthday? I got her some CDs and jelly beans. XP Dad got her a Wii Fit and I'm planning to steal- uh, I mean borrow it. It's great. Apparently my Wii Fit Age is 16, which is really good!

But now I must go and drink coffee to wake myself up. Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and feel free to leave a comment.

- Lizzie x

Friday, August 7

My Current Addiction. =P

Hey everyone!

So it's not exactly a secret that I love vampire books, right? Well, a few weeks ago my friends lent me Moonlight, this programme that was axed (-sniff-) after the first or second season that's about - yep, you guessed it - vampires. And I love it! :D

At first I was kinda like "hmmmm" because of a few little things, like the fact that the vampires can go out in the sun as long as they wear sunglasses (at least, that's what I'm getting from it) and that kind of thing. But I've decided it's not actually such a big deal and I was being dead picky - you have to change the legend a little bit, I suppose. Anne Rice even did that - she got rid of the garlic and the crucifix part of the original story. So I love it now, it's my newest obsession. =3

A couple of nights ago I was up 'til half two in the morning watching it. Then I watched it again last night until really late. I can't help myself. X) But now I'm really tired... -yawns-

Anyway, that was a pretty pointless post. But I felt like sharing. =D

- Lizzie x

Thursday, August 6

I have returned! XD

Yes, I've came back. I'm really sorry for being away for ages, I've just been busy. Y'know, out and about enjoying the teeny little bit of Summer we have before it starts raining. Again.

Oh, and redecorating. We're in the middle of redecorating the house and dad had to pack away the computer so we could reshoogle all the furniture. But it's pretty much back to normal now and I finally have my own room! XP So it all worked out well in the end. And my room is pretty awesome. I don't much like the colour of the walls, so I've set a goal - by Christmas, you won't be able to see the walls any more. :) Posters! Hundreds of thousands of them. I won't give up until I've forgotten what colour my bedroom walls are. I've made a good start but not good enough. I've asked everyone to get me posters for my birthday though. =D There was a gorgeous one on this website that was really big and was like a poster-slash-mirror kind of thing, but it was, you know, £200... So I guess not. Shame, really. It was a Cure one, and I loved it but I supposed it was for the best since you wouldn't really be able to see yourself in it because their hair took up most of the mirror space.

So... what I have been up to...? Short answer: nothing. Except a lot of reading, writing, shopping and generally acting stupid. But I'll be blogging regularly again now, so yay! Expect to see me around a lot more often. :3

Tuesday, July 7

10 Random Facts About Me! :D

I saw someone do this on their vlog and thought "ooh, looks like fun!", so I'm stealing their idea. Now I've got more people looking at my blog there seems more of a point to it, I've wanted to do it a while but didn't see a point when there were only 2 followers. Now there's double that! :D -holds up 4 fingers-

So! Yeah, ten facts about me. Let's see...

(1) I'm half English. I've lived in Scotland my whole life but my mum is English and for some really weird reason I have a strange accent that's like a muddled-up version of Scottish and English but not really one or the other... D= I call myself Scottish though because I was born here. :)

(2) I'm clourophobic, which means fear of clowns. I'm terrified of them. o.o;

(3) I'm extremely photo shy. You'll be lucky to see one photo of me. XD I only have one on the computer and that's from about five years ago. I delete all the rest unless it's me and my friends.

(4) I snort when I laugh.

(5) I play violin. My violin's called Nicki after Nicolas De Lenfent from the Vampire Chronicles. :D

(6) I'm obsessed with vampires. I love vampire fiction but I hate Twilight.

(7) I'm a cat person. Dogs smell funny. Cats are secret evil geniuses.

(8) I give stupid answers to things without noticing. I'm a bit ditzy - I don't always think before I talk.

(9) I'm a coffeeholic. I love coffee. XD

(10) I constantly throw Red Dwarf and Mighty Boosh quotes into random conversations even if it doesn't make sense and it drives people insane.

So now you know a bit more about me! I'm in a rush so I have to go, but I'll be back tomorrow. :3 Bye!

- Lizzie x

New Followers!

So I've got a grand total of 4 followers now! That's so awesome! Shout-outs to Rachel and Angela, my new followers. =3 Thanks you guys! -waves-

So anyway, sorry I couldn't blog the past few days, I was in England at a wedding. It was lovely. X3 It was an outdoor wedding which I've never been to before, and it was really warm and sunny the entire time we were there. We stayed in a cottage on the same estate as the castle our friends were having the wedding at and it was so fancy. There was this huge fountain that lit up when it got dark and a massive conservatory that looked out onto the gardens where we had the buffet. I met up with my friend Scarlet, who I hadn't seen since last Summer and we had a wander around the grounds and the inside of the castle. It was like a maze, if she hadn't been telling me where to go I would've gotten hopelessly lost! XD There were stairs everywhere! But it was very cool. My dad - being Becca's "special Scottish friend" - wore a kilt and all the English people were joking about him wearing a skirt... and that includes me. XP

The wedding was gorgeous and all in all it was great fun, but there's a downside. For some reason, even though when I woke up the sun was glaring in the sky and it was already 25 degrees C, the thought of suncream didn't cross my mind even once. It could have been because I was rushing so much to put on my make-up and my dress that I forgot. My dress - quite short and bright, electric blue (very pretty) - had thin straps and my shoulders and a lot of my back were exposed all day and most of the night as well. And I have never tanned in my life. I just burn. REALLY BURN. I swear, five more minutes in the sun and I might have gone up in flames. So now I have very bad sunburn all across my shoulders and back and, to make it worse, I have lovely white strap marks where the dress had been. It hurts. D:

But yeah, that was fun. :D And when we got home my PIN number had came in the post! So to celebrate I went out and spent most of my money. Clever me! I bought a Green Day t-shirt which I'm wearing at the moment, new eyeliner (the fancy twisty kind with a sharpener on the end which works really well), a Taking Back Sunday CD which I haven't listened to yet, a Michael McIntyre DVD (he's a stand-up comedian and he's hilarious, me and my mum are both big fans), and straightening cream to use on my hair before I straighten it. I spent about £50. I'm not used to having money so when I have it I'm like "wa-hay! Spend spend spend!!!" and I go nuts. I'm not going to spend the rest for a while. I need a new hairdryer though... =/

Tuesday, June 30

I got it back!! Finally! Hallejujah!

I bought it on the first day it was out and spent a grand total of two days getting to enjoy it before lending it out. That's the problem with me, I can't say no! But I've got it back now. :)

Yep, it's the new Green Day CD (well, not exactly new anymore) and it's awesome. Seriously, if you like Green Day and don't have this CD you need to get it. Problem with me is, I can never fully enjoy a CD because I'm always trying to analyse it and figure out what the songs mean and how they link together. It's a stupid habit. MCR, Madina Lake and Green Day are bad for this. There's always a hidden meaning behind the lyrics and Green Day in particular usually have characters or a running theme through it and I like this, so I try to figure out what it all means. It's a pretty obsessive habit. I'll listen to it over and over at night trying to figure out what's happening and won't fall asleep until 3am.
I don't get this one yet. It's long and very confusing (I'm pretty sure at least one of the characters dies at the end). I'm tempted to go on one of those websites but I'm not letting myself because I want to know what I think it is before looking at other people's opinions so I'm not influenced. Expect a very long analysis of it in the coming weeks. :P

My babies! X3

Here they are! :)
Aren't they gorgeous? They just arrived in the post just there. They've got little animals on them, I'm not sure what animals they're actually supposed to be (I think I see a squirrel...) but they're so cutesy.
I'm a Converse addict.
Also, shout out to Amber! -waves- Thanks for following my blog :D

Monday, June 29

New shoes!

I ordered really awesome new Converses last night off eBay for £30. They're white with little birds and squirrels on them... so cute!! It's a 24-hour thing for the postage (expensive... erk!) so they should arrive tomorrow. :D If they do I'll post up a picture of them because I'm sad that way. But I can't help it... I love my shoes! ♥

Opened up a bank account today and now all my money is trapped in there for a week until I get the card. So I'm broke until next week. XD I went out this afternoon and spent most of the day at the park with friends, sunbathing (yes, it's sunny!!), running around like a maniac, eating ice cream and yelling at our friend's dog to jump in the water when our friend Amy was leaning over the edge trying to grab him. It'd have been so funny if he'd jumped and pulled her in with him! XD I know I'm cruel.

I took Millie to the vets. She'd got in a fight with Church, the big cat across the road, and he bit her on the leg so she's been limping. Poor wee baby. :( But he stuck her back together so she's ok now. ^^ There's a pic of her up at the top.

Sunday, June 28

Rain, candyfloss and classic cars called Armand.

Summer's started! :D Finally. It actually started on Thursday for me, Saturday for everyone else in the family. At my school, on the last two days no one comes for some reason. I don't know why but I'm not complaining.

Anyway, my dad wants to buy a classic car to make up for selling his hi-fi (he needs a hobby), so we went to a Classic Car Fair. It was pretty cool actually and cars usually bore me to death. There were all these gorgeous shiny cars with names! See? I'm not the only person who names their car! :D

When dad gets the car I want to call it Armand. It's a classy car so it needs a classy name, and Armand is awesome. ♥ I suggested Louis to my mum and she couldn't stop laughing. She said it was the kind of name you'd give a duck. I'll get her for that. D:

And we had candyfloss. And then it rained. And it's still raining.

What a lovely way to start the Summer holiday.

-Lizzie x

Hello everybuddy!

Hello everyone!
This is my first post-thing, so I'm not actually sure what to say. This is quite awkward, actually. What are you supposed to say on blogs?
I suppose I should really introduce myself. My name's Lizzie, I'm 14 and I'm not slowly going mad like the title says -I'm already there. XD I live in Scotland with an equally mentally-deranged family and a cat called Millie. I love horror movies, vampires and Marmite and I hate the Twilight series (real vampire fans don't let their bloodthirsty, glamorous Creatures Of The Night sparkle. Jeez).
I'm a bookworm. I'm addicted to the Vampire Chronicles. If you want a good vampire book, you should read them instead. Or Dracula! :D
I can - and will - argue black is white. So just be warned. But generally I'm nice. :)
This blog will pretty much be a place where I'll bore you with everything that goes on in my life. It's mainly for my own pleasure but I'd love it if people actually read it. =3
So... on with the blog, then?
See ya!
-Lizzie x