Monday, October 19

My Brain Is Melting And It Hurts

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been busy... Really busy. Taking-over-my-fricking-life-barely-time-to-do-anything busy. And my brain hurts (which you may have got from the title). It's overheating and there's steam coming out my ears and a little smoke alarm going off in my head.

Incase you haven't noticed, yes, I've been studying. XD

I'm not going to go on about it because it's such a boring subject it's sending me to sleep writing about it. But it's been Hellish. XS

Back to school the day after tomorrow, which normally I wouldn't be looking forward to at all, but three days after I go back I'm going to my Billy Talent gig so I'm really excited and I don't mind going back all that much. :D -spazzes-

And guess what, guys! I've made a sign that says "BEN WE LOVE YOU!" and I'm going to take it... -giggles- It's a biiig bit of paper and I've written it in big chunky letters in blue highlighter and drew a huge loveheart for added effect. It's ridiculous but very cool. =D It took me a whole afternoon and by the end of it I was dizzy from the Sharpie fumes... but it'll be so worth it. We're going to get there early and I'm going to fight my way to the front so maybe he'll see me. ;)

Also, right now I'm reading Twilight The Rewrite on and I'm loving it. I highly reccomend it if you've read the book, whether you hated it like me or you loved it. It's quite well-written but it's the whole point - how the author's gotten rid of all the stupid things about the book, for example page-long descriptions of someone's eyes and vampires that sparkle (Jesus...) and don't have fangs or drink the blood of humans - that I think's great. In this version, Edward Cullen is cold and vicious the way a vampire should be, not gorgeous and sparkly, Bella doesn't have five guys fawning over her and it's written in third person to keep her safe from self-insert Mary Sue-ness. I'm hooked. Go read now!

So, guys, will be back later, until then feel free to leave comments... If it's working for you. For some reason Catriona said when she tried to leave one it didn't work for her and wouldn't let her, which would explain the lack of comments for the past four of five posts. I'm working on trying to find the problem and fix it but I can't seem to find anything wrong. Maybe it's a glitch...? Or maybe I'm just unpopular. XD -laughs- Anyway, if you read the post, check the comments and if it works for you please leave one so I know it's working. If not, I'll assume it's broken for everyone rather than just Cat.


- Lizzie x

^ (Oh, and I just kind of thought that was funny...)