Friday, October 9


Yay! It's the October holiday! =D

This makes me very happy in case you haven't noticed. Holidays mean lie-ins, falling asleep in the middle of the day, drinking hot chocolate, hanging out at the park with friends doing nothing, sleepovers, watching movies in my PJs... I can't wait. I've been waiting for this for weeks, I seriously need one of these. Of course, it also means studying, but I'm in denial about that bit.

My friends are away at a concert tonight and I'm supposed to be joining them, but at the last moment my dad decided - as he was ordering the ticket for me - that he didn't want me to go. Because, apparently, the support band were "scary". I've been to see this band before - not the support band, the band I would have been going for - and they're great live (I'm tempted to regale you with the tale of the "four seconds of eye contact" but I won't bore you... right now) but when I went to see them they didn't do their new album and they would have been doing their new album this time, so I'm pretty disappointed. :( I've texted them telling them to have twice as much fun for me (and to get me an photo if they meet the band, haha!).

Still, I'm kind of mad that I wasn't allowed to go. I can handle it, it's not exactly hard. And trust me, at the last gig the three support bands were pretty fricking scary and I didn't die. In fact, no one seemed to like them much, where we were most of the people were just standing about and looking a bit bored. There was a mosh pit in the middle of the hall but people will mosh to anything. -eyeroll-

But enough about the negative. :]

Tomorrow night is my gospel concert! I go to gospel choir at Centrestage with some friends (for the record, it's the singing and the performing I go for rather than the religious aspect ^^) and we're performing tomorrow night. Hopefully, anyway - it all depends on whether or not my parents are going to see this concert they've got tickets for that's tomorrow night too. I've been telling them to go but there's the whole issue about getting a sitter for my sister (they don't trust me... hmph) and how I'll get there and back and everything, plus the fact Cat's still sick. I really want to go but I've told them their concert comes first - Jonathon Richman only comes every five years, Centrestage does a concert every couple of months. It wouldn't be fair if they couldn't go, they'll enjoy their gig more and the tickets cost £40 or something. Also, I've started watching a new anime! It's called Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni which literally translates to "When Cicadas Cry". It's scary and very... intense. Lots of blood... lots of blood. But at the same time it keeps you guessing and there's a real depth to the plot which can be confusing but really adds suspense and intelligence. The characters are adorable, with a rainbow of hair colours and eyes the size of frisbees, which only adds to the total shock when they start mercilessly slaughtering each other with machetes and baseball bats. Sorry if I've put you off anime for the rest of your life. I spent most of the first six episodes laughing but there were a few moments that freaked me out. I'm excited to see what comes next. =D

<- Rika Furude, my favourite character. Such misleading cuteness.

Finally - I'll leave in a second, don't worry - a shout-out to my newest follower, Quintessajazz. Thanks for following my blog! Hope you enjoy it. =)

Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

-Lizzie x