Sunday, October 4

Purty Rainbows. =3

I changed the blog! The old layout was sort of tacky, in my opinion, so I picked a new one. Could have something to do with my rainbow phase. I'm going through a rainbow phase right now; the more colours and the more cheery, the better. XD

So, what does everyone think? Please be honest and leave a comment with your critique, I'd really appreciate it. ;)

So today was Sunday - my study day. Saturdays and Fridays are my days off, Sunday I get together with my friends and we study together for a few hours. Our study methods are... unconventional. We hit the books for a few hours then me and one of my friends walked to Tesco and we bought Ben & Jerry's ice cream and I helped her choose her outfit for work experience, which she and 99% of my other friends all have for ALL of next week (mine's in January). =( When we got back to the house we sat together on the floor, all of us, and passed the ice cream around and asked each other study questions, and if you got one right you stuffed as much ice cream into your face as you could. We all felt sick by the end, but hey - it's a sign we're learning! ;)

I'm not looking forward to next week much. Like I said, all my friends are away on work experience and my one (so-called) friend has decided he's not going to bother coming this week. Thanks. Thankfully though I have one person who's not going away and I've asked if I can hang out with her, and she's really nice so I guess it won't be too bad. And this is the last week before the October holiday! Yay! =D

Leave a comment if you like (and if the Countdown Clock thing is going spazzy, I don't know how to fix it, sorry. :S).

Lizzie x