Saturday, October 3

I really am.

I'm sorry I've abandoned you guys for almost a month. I feel so bad!

To tell the truth, I was a total idiot and actually forgot my password. And then yesterday I found it on my desk on a bit of paper and realised I had been a total idiot because it had been there the entire time. I'm stupid. I'm also sorry, hence the kitten. Please forgive me.

So, let's see... What's happened in the past 26 days? Well, for one thing, it was my birthday. I'm fifteen now (my height would say otherwise). Yay!

School has sucked. My prelim exams are in seven weeks and I'm freaking out. For those of you who don't know (I'm pretty sure you only get prelims in Scotland, they've got another name in England and I don't know what it is, and I have absolutely no idea about the rest of the world), your prelim exams are exams you get in 4th year (the American equivalent of your first year in High School, I think, maybe...) at Christmas. They're the exams you get before you get your Standard Grades, which are the exams you get before your Highers, which are your biggest exams you're going to get before College. The results you get for your Prelims and Standard Grades are important because they determine what Highers you're going to be allowed to take. I'm probably going to take English, Biology, Maths, Geography and Art, so I need to get good grades in those especially. So, anyway, I've been studying for the past month for 2 hours each night, apart from Fridays and Saturdays. I also ended up spending over £80 on books and Past Papers. D= I just hope they actually help and I do well, because if I don't I'm going to feel compelled to get a job and pay my parents back all the money for the books because I'll feel it's all gone to waste.

On the plus side, however, I'm going to a concert! ;) On October 23rd I'm going to see Billy Talent (a band, by the way, not a person), and I can't wait. Every day at school my friends will say, "How many days now, Lizzie?" and I'll hit the roof and scream the number so loud the windows of the houses down the street shatter. I'm so excited! X3 I almost went to see Hey Monday, but the tickets sold out and I didn't get a chance to get one, and I could have gone to see Fightstar but it was on a Sunday night and was 2 days after Billy Talent so I wasn't allowed. But I really don't mind. Come on, Billy Talent! =D

In other news, I managed to salvage my lovely FullMetal Alchemist DVDs from their bin bag at the back of my mum's office (in other words, the shed, but she calls it her office). A few months ago - and I have absolutely NO idea what posessed me to do this - I bundled up all my anime and shoved it into a bin bag save for my Miyazaki movies, Death Note, Wolf's Rain and Black Cat, and announced I was going to sell them all. My parents know me better than I know me though, because they didn't let me and kept them in the shed. I don't want most of them back (I've grown out of Naruto and InuYasha to be honest) but I missed FMA. A lot. I missed drawing Transmutation Circles on the garden path in chalk in painstaking detail then standing in the middle and clapping my hands expecting something to happen. I missed reciting all the elements in the human body to my dad and laughing when he didn't let on that I was quoting Edward Elric (he actually thought I knew it). I missed having all the opening and closing themes on my iPod and being able to sing them all in Japanese. I missed having a collection of creative insults to throw at people when they called my short. And I really missed flipping out and squeaking like a fan girl every time someone mentioned the name Vic. So I've got them all back, and I'm going to keep collecting them until I have them all. I just love them too much, I can't stay away from them! :) Oh, and in case you don't know, the picture at the top is Edward Elric. Of course. <3

I'll try to keep you posted at least a few times a week, though I don't know about every day since I have to study. Being realistic, twice a week, hopefully. :)

Lots of love,
Lizzie xxx