Monday, June 29

New shoes!

I ordered really awesome new Converses last night off eBay for £30. They're white with little birds and squirrels on them... so cute!! It's a 24-hour thing for the postage (expensive... erk!) so they should arrive tomorrow. :D If they do I'll post up a picture of them because I'm sad that way. But I can't help it... I love my shoes! ♥

Opened up a bank account today and now all my money is trapped in there for a week until I get the card. So I'm broke until next week. XD I went out this afternoon and spent most of the day at the park with friends, sunbathing (yes, it's sunny!!), running around like a maniac, eating ice cream and yelling at our friend's dog to jump in the water when our friend Amy was leaning over the edge trying to grab him. It'd have been so funny if he'd jumped and pulled her in with him! XD I know I'm cruel.

I took Millie to the vets. She'd got in a fight with Church, the big cat across the road, and he bit her on the leg so she's been limping. Poor wee baby. :( But he stuck her back together so she's ok now. ^^ There's a pic of her up at the top.


Amber Kirk-Ford said...

Aw, Millie is so cute! :D

Lizzie said...

Thankies! :]