Sunday, June 28

Hello everybuddy!

Hello everyone!
This is my first post-thing, so I'm not actually sure what to say. This is quite awkward, actually. What are you supposed to say on blogs?
I suppose I should really introduce myself. My name's Lizzie, I'm 14 and I'm not slowly going mad like the title says -I'm already there. XD I live in Scotland with an equally mentally-deranged family and a cat called Millie. I love horror movies, vampires and Marmite and I hate the Twilight series (real vampire fans don't let their bloodthirsty, glamorous Creatures Of The Night sparkle. Jeez).
I'm a bookworm. I'm addicted to the Vampire Chronicles. If you want a good vampire book, you should read them instead. Or Dracula! :D
I can - and will - argue black is white. So just be warned. But generally I'm nice. :)
This blog will pretty much be a place where I'll bore you with everything that goes on in my life. It's mainly for my own pleasure but I'd love it if people actually read it. =3
So... on with the blog, then?
See ya!
-Lizzie x


Amber Kirk-Ford said...

Hi! Your blog is SO cool. Btw, I'm Cat's friend Amber.

Lizzie said...

Hi Amber! Thanks! :D