Tuesday, June 30

I got it back!! Finally! Hallejujah!

I bought it on the first day it was out and spent a grand total of two days getting to enjoy it before lending it out. That's the problem with me, I can't say no! But I've got it back now. :)

Yep, it's the new Green Day CD (well, not exactly new anymore) and it's awesome. Seriously, if you like Green Day and don't have this CD you need to get it. Problem with me is, I can never fully enjoy a CD because I'm always trying to analyse it and figure out what the songs mean and how they link together. It's a stupid habit. MCR, Madina Lake and Green Day are bad for this. There's always a hidden meaning behind the lyrics and Green Day in particular usually have characters or a running theme through it and I like this, so I try to figure out what it all means. It's a pretty obsessive habit. I'll listen to it over and over at night trying to figure out what's happening and won't fall asleep until 3am.
I don't get this one yet. It's long and very confusing (I'm pretty sure at least one of the characters dies at the end). I'm tempted to go on one of those websites but I'm not letting myself because I want to know what I think it is before looking at other people's opinions so I'm not influenced. Expect a very long analysis of it in the coming weeks. :P


Angela said...

actually, I do something like that too, try to figure out the songs I mean, though I certainly don't do it as much as you do!! =D

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

I have that CD, my favourite song is track 3 :D

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

I just got some shoes the same sorta style as yours! Check out my blog to see a pic of them, I'm gonna upload it later.

Anonymous said...

Hi its Rachel, Cats friend. Cool Blog.

Lizzie said...

That's awesome, Angela!! :D

Amber, that's so cool! :3 My favourite song is track 9 but I love all of it.

Thanks Rachel =D