Friday, August 7

My Current Addiction. =P

Hey everyone!

So it's not exactly a secret that I love vampire books, right? Well, a few weeks ago my friends lent me Moonlight, this programme that was axed (-sniff-) after the first or second season that's about - yep, you guessed it - vampires. And I love it! :D

At first I was kinda like "hmmmm" because of a few little things, like the fact that the vampires can go out in the sun as long as they wear sunglasses (at least, that's what I'm getting from it) and that kind of thing. But I've decided it's not actually such a big deal and I was being dead picky - you have to change the legend a little bit, I suppose. Anne Rice even did that - she got rid of the garlic and the crucifix part of the original story. So I love it now, it's my newest obsession. =3

A couple of nights ago I was up 'til half two in the morning watching it. Then I watched it again last night until really late. I can't help myself. X) But now I'm really tired... -yawns-

Anyway, that was a pretty pointless post. But I felt like sharing. =D

- Lizzie x