Thursday, August 6

I have returned! XD

Yes, I've came back. I'm really sorry for being away for ages, I've just been busy. Y'know, out and about enjoying the teeny little bit of Summer we have before it starts raining. Again.

Oh, and redecorating. We're in the middle of redecorating the house and dad had to pack away the computer so we could reshoogle all the furniture. But it's pretty much back to normal now and I finally have my own room! XP So it all worked out well in the end. And my room is pretty awesome. I don't much like the colour of the walls, so I've set a goal - by Christmas, you won't be able to see the walls any more. :) Posters! Hundreds of thousands of them. I won't give up until I've forgotten what colour my bedroom walls are. I've made a good start but not good enough. I've asked everyone to get me posters for my birthday though. =D There was a gorgeous one on this website that was really big and was like a poster-slash-mirror kind of thing, but it was, you know, £200... So I guess not. Shame, really. It was a Cure one, and I loved it but I supposed it was for the best since you wouldn't really be able to see yourself in it because their hair took up most of the mirror space.

So... what I have been up to...? Short answer: nothing. Except a lot of reading, writing, shopping and generally acting stupid. But I'll be blogging regularly again now, so yay! Expect to see me around a lot more often. :3


Dancer! said...

Your Blog rules Lizzie yay you are bak I love to read your post and if you are wondering who this is its Cats friend bye the <3 :o)

Dancer! said...


catriona said...

You could never afford anything worth 200 pounds, lol. :D

Dancer! said...

Hiya Lizzie it's Cats friend Kendall again I was wondering if you could follow my blog plz bye then Kendall xx :D

Lizzie said...

Hey Kendall! :D Sure I'll follow your blog. :) x

Dancer! said...

Thanx so much 4 following my blog yay :D