Monday, August 10

Too Much Popcorn And Not Enough Sleep (And Watchmen, Hooray!)

Hey everyone! =)

So last night I was at a sleepover that we had planned as a surprise for our friend. It's his birthday soon and he wasn't planning to do anything, so we took the liberty of arranging his life for him. :P I don't think he minded though, he seemed pretty happy. We'd been planning it for ages and had been keeping it a secret successfully for once (though it did involve a lot of giggling and bouncing around at the idea of keeping a secret, in my case anyway) and I was in charge of decorations. Yay! I think I might've gone slightly over-the-top though; I bought 50 balloons, a 9-foot banner and about ten million streamers. I had a blast buying it all. XD Unfortunately though I can't blow balloons up, so that fell to to my friend. I felt kind of sorry for her - she was the only one with enough puff so she took 2 hours to blow up every single one.

We were holding the party in the conservatory, so we hung gold and silver streamers from the rafters (I was a bit short for that), wound them round the lamps and table legs, stretched them across the windows and pulled them through the blinds. I did a terrible job - I was a bit hyper and threw them onto every available surface, before one of my friends went and pulled them all off and changed them when my back was turned. We ate popcorn and watched The Simpsons when we were waiting for the doorbell to ring (when it did me and my other two friends had been planning to turn out the lights and hide, when our friend would go and bring him in, then we would jump out and yell "Surprise!"), then suddenly our friend we had been planning the surprise for turns up at the conservatory entrance, waves and goes, "Uh... hi, guys."

Oh, perfect. "Surprise." we say as three hands whap into faces and we turn to our friend, who's looking slightly embarassed. He then decides to tell us he texted him earlier, telling him to let himself in, then forgot it was supposed to be a surprise.

Anyway, he brought cookie pizza, so all was forgiven. We watched tv and played music and at 3am had a sudden impulsion to turn all the lights off and dance like zombies to "Thriller". Me and my two friends (trying not to mention names here) know the dance pretty much off by heart. We rock. We freaked the guys out, though - we must make pretty convincing zombies! By the end of it we were rolling on the floor at the sight of their faces.

And we watched Watchmen! :D My Chemical Romance (my favourite band) did the soundtrack so I've been determined to see it, and I wasn't disappointed at all. I'll admit I hadn't expected it to be so... confusing... But the amazing effects, fabulous music (of course! I mean, we're talking about MCR here!) and all the cool little bits like the artsy camera angles, costumes, awesome action sequences and the obviously massive budget made up for me not entirely getting the plot the whole way through. XD And of course at the end we danced to Desolation Row and took pictures on our cameras when My Chemical Romance came up on the credit roll. ;)

We finally got to sleep at half 5 in the conservatory. The rain was very loud but it was really nice. We woke up at half 1 in the afternoon though. And there was no coffee in the house and the kettle wasn't working anyway so I was kinda grumpy. But all in all it was great fun, I had an awesome weekend!

Oh, and did I mention it was Cat's birthday? I got her some CDs and jelly beans. XP Dad got her a Wii Fit and I'm planning to steal- uh, I mean borrow it. It's great. Apparently my Wii Fit Age is 16, which is really good!

But now I must go and drink coffee to wake myself up. Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and feel free to leave a comment.

- Lizzie x

Friday, August 7

My Current Addiction. =P

Hey everyone!

So it's not exactly a secret that I love vampire books, right? Well, a few weeks ago my friends lent me Moonlight, this programme that was axed (-sniff-) after the first or second season that's about - yep, you guessed it - vampires. And I love it! :D

At first I was kinda like "hmmmm" because of a few little things, like the fact that the vampires can go out in the sun as long as they wear sunglasses (at least, that's what I'm getting from it) and that kind of thing. But I've decided it's not actually such a big deal and I was being dead picky - you have to change the legend a little bit, I suppose. Anne Rice even did that - she got rid of the garlic and the crucifix part of the original story. So I love it now, it's my newest obsession. =3

A couple of nights ago I was up 'til half two in the morning watching it. Then I watched it again last night until really late. I can't help myself. X) But now I'm really tired... -yawns-

Anyway, that was a pretty pointless post. But I felt like sharing. =D

- Lizzie x

Thursday, August 6

I have returned! XD

Yes, I've came back. I'm really sorry for being away for ages, I've just been busy. Y'know, out and about enjoying the teeny little bit of Summer we have before it starts raining. Again.

Oh, and redecorating. We're in the middle of redecorating the house and dad had to pack away the computer so we could reshoogle all the furniture. But it's pretty much back to normal now and I finally have my own room! XP So it all worked out well in the end. And my room is pretty awesome. I don't much like the colour of the walls, so I've set a goal - by Christmas, you won't be able to see the walls any more. :) Posters! Hundreds of thousands of them. I won't give up until I've forgotten what colour my bedroom walls are. I've made a good start but not good enough. I've asked everyone to get me posters for my birthday though. =D There was a gorgeous one on this website that was really big and was like a poster-slash-mirror kind of thing, but it was, you know, £200... So I guess not. Shame, really. It was a Cure one, and I loved it but I supposed it was for the best since you wouldn't really be able to see yourself in it because their hair took up most of the mirror space.

So... what I have been up to...? Short answer: nothing. Except a lot of reading, writing, shopping and generally acting stupid. But I'll be blogging regularly again now, so yay! Expect to see me around a lot more often. :3