Tuesday, July 7

10 Random Facts About Me! :D

I saw someone do this on their vlog and thought "ooh, looks like fun!", so I'm stealing their idea. Now I've got more people looking at my blog there seems more of a point to it, I've wanted to do it a while but didn't see a point when there were only 2 followers. Now there's double that! :D -holds up 4 fingers-

So! Yeah, ten facts about me. Let's see...

(1) I'm half English. I've lived in Scotland my whole life but my mum is English and for some really weird reason I have a strange accent that's like a muddled-up version of Scottish and English but not really one or the other... D= I call myself Scottish though because I was born here. :)

(2) I'm clourophobic, which means fear of clowns. I'm terrified of them. o.o;

(3) I'm extremely photo shy. You'll be lucky to see one photo of me. XD I only have one on the computer and that's from about five years ago. I delete all the rest unless it's me and my friends.

(4) I snort when I laugh.

(5) I play violin. My violin's called Nicki after Nicolas De Lenfent from the Vampire Chronicles. :D

(6) I'm obsessed with vampires. I love vampire fiction but I hate Twilight.

(7) I'm a cat person. Dogs smell funny. Cats are secret evil geniuses.

(8) I give stupid answers to things without noticing. I'm a bit ditzy - I don't always think before I talk.

(9) I'm a coffeeholic. I love coffee. XD

(10) I constantly throw Red Dwarf and Mighty Boosh quotes into random conversations even if it doesn't make sense and it drives people insane.

So now you know a bit more about me! I'm in a rush so I have to go, but I'll be back tomorrow. :3 Bye!

- Lizzie x

New Followers!

So I've got a grand total of 4 followers now! That's so awesome! Shout-outs to Rachel and Angela, my new followers. =3 Thanks you guys! -waves-

So anyway, sorry I couldn't blog the past few days, I was in England at a wedding. It was lovely. X3 It was an outdoor wedding which I've never been to before, and it was really warm and sunny the entire time we were there. We stayed in a cottage on the same estate as the castle our friends were having the wedding at and it was so fancy. There was this huge fountain that lit up when it got dark and a massive conservatory that looked out onto the gardens where we had the buffet. I met up with my friend Scarlet, who I hadn't seen since last Summer and we had a wander around the grounds and the inside of the castle. It was like a maze, if she hadn't been telling me where to go I would've gotten hopelessly lost! XD There were stairs everywhere! But it was very cool. My dad - being Becca's "special Scottish friend" - wore a kilt and all the English people were joking about him wearing a skirt... and that includes me. XP

The wedding was gorgeous and all in all it was great fun, but there's a downside. For some reason, even though when I woke up the sun was glaring in the sky and it was already 25 degrees C, the thought of suncream didn't cross my mind even once. It could have been because I was rushing so much to put on my make-up and my dress that I forgot. My dress - quite short and bright, electric blue (very pretty) - had thin straps and my shoulders and a lot of my back were exposed all day and most of the night as well. And I have never tanned in my life. I just burn. REALLY BURN. I swear, five more minutes in the sun and I might have gone up in flames. So now I have very bad sunburn all across my shoulders and back and, to make it worse, I have lovely white strap marks where the dress had been. It hurts. D:

But yeah, that was fun. :D And when we got home my PIN number had came in the post! So to celebrate I went out and spent most of my money. Clever me! I bought a Green Day t-shirt which I'm wearing at the moment, new eyeliner (the fancy twisty kind with a sharpener on the end which works really well), a Taking Back Sunday CD which I haven't listened to yet, a Michael McIntyre DVD (he's a stand-up comedian and he's hilarious, me and my mum are both big fans), and straightening cream to use on my hair before I straighten it. I spent about £50. I'm not used to having money so when I have it I'm like "wa-hay! Spend spend spend!!!" and I go nuts. I'm not going to spend the rest for a while. I need a new hairdryer though... =/